Symbols of Śrem


Originally the tower with pointed roof, two lateral towers and window with typical gothic arch, was the dominant point in the emblem of Śrem. In the first half of XVII century the tower was still in the center of emblem, but it resembled more of a gateway with three towers (tower in the middle – higher than the others – might have been considered as a ramainder of the massive tower). Coping of the gate got the shape more of a circular arch. In the end of XVII century for a while the characters of Jesus Christ (over the middle tower), Holy Mary and Saint Lawrence (on the sides) were part of the emblem of Śrem, after being announced patrons of the town (probably in consideration of tragic events for the town during that century). Since the times of king August Poniatowski, there are no religious elements in the emblem and characteristic tower resembles more of a defensive wall crowned with three small towers, with wide enterance (gate) and windows.
Source: "Dzieje Śremu", Poznań 2003, 
 red. Marek Rezler

Herb Śremu został zatwierdzony uchwałą nr 22/XXXI/92 z dnia 30.06.1992 r. w sprawie uchwalenia herbu miasta Śrem.


Promotional logo of Śrem is the identification mark of the town. It consists of the name of town and original elements – symbols with three major town's values: access do the river of Warta and lakes, surrounding nature, spatial order and unique ladmarks. Promotional logo of Śrem should be used only for non-profit entrenprises organised by the authorities, organizations and communities of Śrem. Graphic project with logotype can be used only in agreement and after approval of City Hall in Śrem. 

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